crisis of the classical music?
Is there a crisis? Most people affirm it. Is it about creativity,
business, audience, artists, presenters, media or all? Read
some search
results on the topic...
believe there is a profound change in the field of (classical) music as
in everything else, is this a crisis
may be yes, anyhow we need to face it. To face it, we need to
understand it... What it is about?
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well-known system of artist managers, record companies, distribution
companies etc.. is not working anymore. Those are dying species they
still do operate under some circumstances but there can not be
anything new in that track...
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Some interesting search results:
Bands, on the Run -- Opus Osm: Czech classical music,
opera and ballet
But the economic crisis was hitting musical life very hard. Concert
attendance was decreasing rapidly. Some newly-founded orchestras had
already disbanded. Starting a new orchestra must have seemed a very
bold move.
Classical music - Classical & Opera - Time Out New
Inevitably, economic downturns affect audience size negatively. I think
we will see fewer people attending performances over the next year or
so, but we have to understand this not as a threat but a challenge.
Yes, it's difficult economically, but at least for us, our tickets have
always been inexpensive by market standards, and we intend to maintain
that policy, which I think helps us in times of economic downturn.
I fear that the economic picture, at best, is going to
be a difficult one for some time to come. The combination of the
economy and the ease of copying musical performace will make it an
especially difficult time for the performing arts and for performing
Top 10 Worst Financial Crisis in U.S. History
This Panic was the worst economic crisis in American history to that
point (and you’ve seen all the previous Panics listed already, so this
is really saying something). Some argue that this was just a
continuation of the Panic of 1873 (with the era being known as the
“Long Depression”). However you look at it, there is no question that
the 1880s had been a period of significant economic expansion, but it
was driven heavily by speculative investment in railroads. In a
nutshell, an ever-growing credit shortage created panic, which resulted
in a depression. The result? 15,000 businesses, 600 banks, and 74
railroads failed. In addition, there were incredibly high levels of
How the Recession is Impacting Music, Too | Fast Company
"As it has everywhere else these days, the economic crisis has hit
classical music, a particularly fragile corner of the nonprofit world
that depends as much on donations as on ticket sales. Most managers are
only in the fretting stage, but the plunge in stock prices, the credit
squeeze and feelings of diminished wealth among donors and ticket
buyers have begun to have concrete effects in a few places," Wakin
Players Association of the Charleston Symphony Orchestra
Kaiser said he was less concerned about the economic crisis than about
the reaction to it by arts organizations. And he cited two main
problems: Costs always go up but productivity always stays steady, and
once a theater or gallery is built, ticket income potential is set
since the number of seats is fixed. These realities mean that the gap
between costs and earned income is ever growing.
Classical music - Classical & Opera - Time Out New
Since St. Luke's was formed in 1974, we've weathered three economic
downturns, and throughout that whole period, we've continued to grow.
Right now, it's too early to know the full magnitude of this crisis.
St. Luke's is more stable financially than it's ever been; that's a big
plus. But if this crisis evolves badly, and we end up in a long
economic decline, it's going to be terribly difficult, perhaps more
challenging than anything we've had to face up to this point.