Mehmet Okonsar



(click on a name to see the original paper when available)

"Here is a performer of real individuality, with perhaps the most impressive sound at the keyboard.."

William S. Goodfellow, Deseret News

"I enjoyed listening to them (piano solo and recorded compositions). Your music is very creative.
Please continue to create. The world is in need of musical creations that can inspire others.
You have all my best wishes."

Chick Corea, Letter of November 25, 1985 

(show the actual letter)

"He's a very major talent and I think he'll go places. He has a very strong charisma on the stage".

Bryce Morrison (Gramophone) Calgary Herald

(show the paper)

"Mehmet Okonsar has the "feu sacr�. He is the type of the authentic artist."

Het Laatse Nieuws, Belgium (translated)

"Mehmet Okonsar is the revelation of the Competition. (..) Virtuosity and musicality went hand in hand."

Die Nieuwe Gazet, Belgium (translated)

"A very communicative, great temperament."

De Staandard, Belgium (translated)

"Cher Mehmet tu es un vrai artiste bravo et merci"

Alexis Weissenberg

..."The program itself, that you have recorded was most impressive and the bravoura playing as well as the poetic interpretations were really of the highest order..."

Gyorgy Sandor

(show the actual letter)

"I was very positively impressed with your playing. I think you have many important qualities for attracting your listeners."

Vladimir Ashkenazy

(show the actual letter)

"He is a thoroughly trained professional pianist with a fine technique and very interesting and highly individual ideas."

Walter Hautzig

(show the actual letter)

"... Mr. Okonsar's performances during five rounds of the [1991 Gina Bachauer International Piano] competition were very distinguished and met with extremely fine critical praise from the members of the jury, the press and the audience..."

Dr. Paul C. Pollei

(show the actual letter)

"...Mehmet Okonsar's Liszt was a wonderful performance...."

Mrs. Haruko Kataoka

(show the actual letter)

[review about the Gina Bachauer International Piano Competition]
(Mrs. Yasuko Fukuda, of blessed memory)

Piano Teachears National Association of Japan

(show the paper)

"... Ce jeune pianist poss�de un talent hors pair... C'est probablement l'artiste de la Turquie le plus dou�..."

Aquiles Delle-Vigne

(show the actual letter)

"Mehmet Okonsar poete du piano (..) toutes ces oeuvres (,Gershwin, Faur�,Mozart, Liszt) �tincellent sous la nettet� des traits (..) il conjugait en lui ces vertus difficiles et peu ordinaires: la probit� intellectuelle et musicale, l'�l�gance du cour, la recherche patiente et sinc�re du travail bien accompli et fignol�."

Felly Wasel, Le Courrier (Belgium)

"In molti occasioni ho avuto la possibilita di apprezziare le non comuni doti musicali ed interpretative di M.O. (..) ho dotato di una notevole sensibilita musicale, ed e in possesso di una tecnica sciolta e agguerrita."

Marcella Crudeli

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