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Complete Discography:

Space Curvature Resonances (Bridges in Spacetime)
Eight Pieces for Piano and Modified Pianos

Symphony No.XII: "Églogues" (Eclogæ – Bucolics, after Virgil)

Divina Commedia, Symphony N. X (Dante-Symphony)

Imugi's Dream 12 Pieces for Piano and Cello

Symphony No.11 "Baroque Horizons"
Symphonie Concertante for Harpsichord, orchestra, and electronics

Jacob’s Ladder: Five Sonatas for Piano

Contours of Silence and Dissonance
20 Preludes for Solo Piano

Veils of Echo and Silence
10 Pieces for mallets, Euphonium, Bass Clarinet and Keyboards

Les Sons et les Parfums Tournent Dans l'Air du Soir
(Sounds and perfumes turn in the evening air)
16 Préludes for the Piano (and "extended" Piano)

Momotaro and other tales of Japan
(for electronika, taikos, piccolo, viola and cello)

Raijin and Fujin (雷神 & 風神)
(12 Pieces for Shakuhachi, Shamisen, Ondes Martenot and Piano)

Stanzas and Strophes (Symphony N. IX for Large Orchestra and Electronika)

Graces (Women of the Bible)
Symphony N. VIII for Large Orchestra and Electronika

Old Tales With New Lines (12 Discantus, Pieces for piano and electronica)

MONISMS 14 Gymels for Piano and Electronika

Symphony N.7: Ezekiel for large orchestra, piano and electronica

Kammerkonzert: 14 Romances for Piano and various instruments

12 Intermezzi for the Piano

Symphony N.6 Pastorale (quattro stagioni)
for large orchestra, piano, tenor voice and mixed choir

Robert Schumann Complete Piano Works Vol. IX
(Novelletten, Sonata No. 2 in G minor)

Cybernated Songs For Pure Electronica

Secret Pavanes (16 Pieces for piano solo)

Symphony N.V: Fons Vitæ (The Fountain of Life)

Emerald Forest



Symphony N.4 "MA" 間 (Negative Spaces)


Sphaerae Audibilis (Audio Spheres)

The Book of Job, Symphony N.3


FÆRIE (Fairies) Symphonic Fantasia

Translucent Lanes

Chamber Music by James Joyce
Songs Without Words for piano and various instruments (David-Ezra Okonsar)

24 Quasi-Tonal Préludes for the solo piano (David-Ezra Okonsar)

Laude Spirituale
"Laude Spirituale" Eight Musical Moments for the Solo Piano (David-Ezra Okonsar)

20 Préludes for solo piano (David-Ezra Okonsar)

30 Préludes for solo piano and electronica (David-Ezra Okonsar)

12 Pieces for piano, marimba and vocal - cello (pre-recorded phrases)
David-Ezra Okonsar)

    Ten Bagatelles for "expanded" piano, shakuhachi and vocals


Eigth Pieces for Pure Acoustic and Modified Pianos (David-Ezra Okonsar)

Robert Schumann (1810-1856)
Complete Works For The Piano Volume 8

Volume VIII:
  • Arabeske, Op. 18
  • Blumenstück, Op. 19
  • Humoreske, Op. 20

Claude Debussy, complete piano works Vol. V

Volume V:
  • Images, Book II, L. 111
  • Préludes, Book II, L. 123

Claude Debussy, complete piano works Vol. IV

Volume IV:
  • Images, Book I, L. 110
  • Préludes, Book I, L. 117

Robert Schumann (1810-1856)
Complete Works For The Piano Volume 7

Volume VII:
  • Kreisleriana, Op. 16
  • Fantasie in C Major, Op. 17

Claude Debussy, complete piano works Vol. III

Volume III:
  • D'un cahier d'esquisses, L 99
  • Estampes L 100
  • Masques, L 105
  • L'isle joyeuse, L 106
  • Morceau de concours (Pièce pour piano), L 108
  • Children's Corner, L 113
  • The Little Nigar (Le petit Nègre), L 114
  • Hommage à Joseph Haydn, L 115

Claude Debussy, complete piano works Vol. I & II

Volume I:
  • L 9, Danse bohémienne (1880)
  • L 66, Deux arabesques (1888, 1891)
  •   N.1 in E Major
  •   N.2 in G Major
  • L 67, Mazurka (1890)
  • L 68, Rêverie (1890)
  • L 69, Tarantelle styrienne (Danse) (1890)
  • L 70, Ballade slave (Ballade) (1890)
  • L 71, Valse romantique (1890)
Volume II:
  • L 75, Suite bergamasque (1890-1905)
  • L 82, Nocturne (1892)
  • L 87, Images oubliées (1894)
  • L 95, Pour le piano suite (1894–1901)
Sold separately

Ludwig van Beethoven, complete piano sonatas Vol.7

Piano Sonata No.22 in F Major, Op.54
Piano Sonata No. 23 in F minor, Op. 57 ("Appassionata")
Piano Sonata No. 24 in F-sharp Major, Op. 78 ("A Thérèse")
Piano Sonata No. 25 in G major, Op. 79

Robert Schumann (1810-1856) Complete Works For The Piano
Volume V:
  • op.12 Fantasiestücke
  • op.13 Études symphoniques  (1834)
  • op. post. Études symphoniques (supplement)  (1834)

Volume VI:

  • op.14 Grand Sonata No. 3 in F minor ("Concerto without Orchestra")  (1835)
  • op.15 Kinderscenen  (1838)
Sold separately

David Ezra Okonsar: Piano Concerto in C (2020)
CD/Published Music Score
The Piano Concerto in C is actually a serial, twelve-tone piece. However the series were elaborated to emphasize a "gravity" center around C and creating "flavors" of major, minor and modal settings.

Remaining movements use variants of this tone-row. Those variants emphasize diminished/augmented fourths and fifths and minor/major third intervals.

David Ezra Okonsar: ORRAZ ("Light and Mystery") Symphonic Poem (Symphony N.2)
CD/Published Music Score
The symphony is inspired by the work of Yehudah Halevi  (1075/86 - 1141) Spanish Jewish physician, poet and philosopher. Specifically the Ayin Nedivah (“Generous Eye”) a Qasida For Solomon Ibn Ghiyyat; as well as the Gematria relationship between the Hebrew letters making for “or” (light) and “raz” (secret – mystery).

The numerical values of Hebrew letters is well known from time immemorial. Adding these numbers in a word or a phrase and looking for similarities in other words is known as Gematria. The Hebrew words OR  (light) and RAZ (secret, mystery) share the same numerical values (207) ob-tained by adding the numbers corresponding to their letters.

Robert Schumann (1810-1856) Complete Works For The Piano
Release 2 (2 CD set) : Volumes 3 & 4
  • op.7 Toccata (1835)
  • op.8 Allegro in B Minor (1835)
  • op.9 Carnaval (1835)
  • op.10 Six Etudes after Paganini Caprices (1833-1835)
  • op.11 Sonata N.1 in F-sharp minor (1835)

David Ezra Okonsar: Sixteen Short Sonatas For The Solo Piano (2020)

The Sixteen Short Sonatas for the piano is a series of relatively terse pieces for the solo piano. The écriture is often more straightforward than in my lengthier projects.

The title Sonata is employed here in the Baroque sense of the word. One indivisible musical texture which is not dualistic as with the classical sonata neither programmatic as with the romantic sense of the form.

Robert Schumann (1810-1856) Complete Works For The Piano
Release 1 (2 CD set) : Volumes 1 & 2
  • op.1 Variations on the name "Abegg"  (1830)
  • op.2 Papillons  (1829-1831)
  • op.3 Etudes after Paganini Caprices  (1832)
  • op.4 Intermezzi  (1832)
  • op.5 Impromptus [on a theme by Clara Wieck]  (1833)
  • op.6 Davidsbundlertanze  (1837)

Selected Sonatas by Domenico Scarlatti (1685-1757) 3 CD Set 

From K.1 to K.551, total of 47 selected sonatas performed on the piano

Franz Liszt: Années de Pèlerinage (complete) VOL.1: Switzerland (Première Année) S.160
VOL.2: Italy (Deuxième Année) S.161; VOL.3: Troisième Année S.163

Chapelle de Guillaume Tell-Au lac de Wallenstadt-Pastorale-Au bord d'une source-Orage-Vallée d'Obermann-Eglogue--Le mal du pays-Les cloches de Genève: Nocturne

Sposalizio-Il penseroso-Canzonetta del Salvator Rosa-Sonetto 47 del Petrarca-Sonetto 104 del Petrarca-Sonetto 123 del Petrarca-Après une lecture de Dante: Fantasia Quasi Sonata-Venezia e Napoli: Gondoliera-Canzone-Tarantella

Angélus!-Aux cyprès de la Villa d'Este I: Thrénodie--Aux cyprès de la Villa d'Este II: Thrénodie-Les jeux d'eaux à la Villa d'Este-Sunt lacrymae rerum--Marche funèbre-Sursum corda

The Complete English Suites (BWV 806-811) by Johann Sebastian Bach

VOL. 1
Suite I in A Major, BWV 806
Suite II in A Minor, BWV 807
Suite III in G Minor, BWV 808
VOL. 2
Suite IV in F Major, BWV 809
Suite V in E Minor, BWV 810
Suite VI in D Minor, BWV 811

F. Chopin: the four Scherzos and Ballades

Scherzo N.1 in B Minor op.20
Scherzo N.2 in B-flat Minor op.31
Scherzo N.3 in C-sharp Minor op.39
Scherzo N.4 in E Major op.54
Ballade N.1 in G Minor op.23
Ballade N.2 in F Major op.38
Ballade N.3 in A-flat Major op.47
Ballade N.4 in F Minor op.52

Fitzwilliam Virginal Book (selections) 3 CD set performed on the piano

Selected works by:
Giles Farnaby (1560-1640)
Jan Pieterszoon Sweelinck (1562-1621)
John Bull (1562-1628)
John Dowland (1563-1626)
Martin Peerson (1571-1650)
Orlando Gibbons (1583-1625)
Thomas Warrock (1565-1610)
William Byrd (1538-1623)
William Tisdall (Tisdale) (1570-1604)

David Ezra Okonsar: Malakhim (Messengers, Angels) Ten Pieces for the Solo Piano

I. Ishim (man-like beings)
II. Cherubim ([unearthly] beings who [directly] attend to G.d)
III. Bene Elohim (sons of G.d)
IV. Elohim (G.dly beings)
V. Malakim (Messengers, angels)
VI. Seraphim (beings that fly around the Throne of G.d)
VII. Hashmallim (stormy wind from the north)
VIII. Erelim (the valiant, courageous)
IX. Ophanim (the wheels that never sleep)
X. Chayot Ha Kodesh (living beings, angels of fire)

Jean Philippe Rameau Complete Keyboard Pieces

Premier Livre de Pieces de Clavecin (1706)
Pieces de Clavecin (1731)
Nouvelles Suites de Pieces de Clavecin (ca. 1728)
Cinq Pieces extraites des Pieces en Concert (1741)

Ludwig van Beethoven, complete piano sonatas Vol.6.

Sonata N.18 in E-flat major op.31 n.3
Sonata N.19 in G minor op.49 n.1
Sonata N.20 in G major op.49 n.2
Sonata N.21 in C major op.53 "Waldstein"

Clara Wieck - Schumann, selected piano works

Four Character Pieces Opus 5
Soirées musicales Opus 6
Scherzo Opus 10
Trois Romances Opus 11
Variationen Opus 20
Drei Romanzen Opus 21
Romanze ohne Opuszahl

Johann Sebastain Bach, complete French Suites BWV 812-817

Suite No..1 in D Minor BWV 812

Suite No. 2 in C minor, BWV 813
Suite No. 3 in B minor, BWV 814
Suite No. 4 in E-flat major, BWV 815
Suite No. 5 in G major, BWV 816
Suite No. 6 in E major, BWV 817

Ludwig van Beethoven, complete piano sonatas (Vol.5: Opus 28 "Pastorale", opus 31 n1 & n2 "Tempest")
Audio and video recording  CD & DVD (Pal - Ntsc)

Sonata N.15 in D major op.28 "Pastorale"
Sonata N.16 in G major op.31 n.1
Sonata N.17 in D major op.31 n.2 "Tempest"

Johannes Brahms (1833 - 1897): Piano Sonata N.3 in F minor op.5 and Four Ballades op.10

Piano Sonata N.3 in F Minor op.5
Four Ballades op.10

Serguei Prokofiev (1891-1953) "War Sonatas" (Piano Sonatas N.6, 7, 8) & N.9  in 2 volumes

Piano Sonata No. 6 in A major, Op. 82 (1940)
Piano Sonata No. 7 in B♭ major, Op. 83 (1942) (occasionally called the "Stalingrad")
Piano Sonata No. 8 in B♭ major, Op. 84 (1944)
Piano Sonata No. 9 in C major, Op. 103 (1946-1947)

Pierre Boulez and Iannis Xenakis: Selected Piano Works

Pierre Boulez (1925-2016), Piano Sonata N.2 (1948)
Iannis Xenakis (1922-2001), "Herma" for piano (1961)
Iannis Xenakis (1922-2001), "Evryali" for piano (1973)
Pierre Boulez (1925-2016), "Incises" for piano (version 2001) 

Ludwig van Beethoven, complete piano sonatas (Vol.4: Opus 22, opus 26, opus 27 n1 & n2 "Moonlight")
Audio and video recording  CD & DVD (Pal - Ntsc)

Sonata N.11 op. 22 in B-flat Major
Sonata N.12 op. 26  in A-flat Major
Sonata N.13 op. 27 n.1 in E-flat Major Sonata quasi una Fantasia
Sonata N.14 op. 27 n.2 in C-sharp Minor "Moonlight" Sonata quasi una Fantasia

David Ezra Okonsar: Eikhah (Lamentations) Symphonic Poem in Five Movements for Grand Orchestra
Audio CD and printed music available

I. How doth the city sit solitary: Andante doloroso
II. Lord covered with a cloud the daughter of Zion: Prestissimo
III. I am the man that hath seen affliction: Non troppo lento
IV. How is the gold become dim!: Molto Lento
V. Remember, O LORD, what is come upon us: Moderato

Ludwig van Beethoven, complete piano sonatas (Vol.3: Opus 10/3, opus 13 "Pathétique", opus 14 n1 & n2)
Audio and video recording 
CD & DVD (Pal - Ntsc)

Piano Sonata No. 7 in D major, Opus 10 n.3
Piano Sonata No. 8 in C minor, Opus 13 "Pathetique"
Piano Sonata No. 9 in E major, Op.14 n.1
Piano Sonata No. 10 in G major, Op.14 n.2

Ludwig van Beethoven, complete piano sonatas (Vol.2: Opus 7, Opus 10 n1 & n2)
Audio and video recording 
CD & DVD (Pal - Ntsc)

Piano Sonata No. 4 in E-flat major, Opus 7
Piano Sonata No. 5 in C minor, Opus 10 N.1
Piano Sonata No. 6 in F major, Opus 10 N.2

Ludwig van Beethoven, complete piano sonatas (Vol.1: Opus 2 n1, n2 and n3)
Audio and video recording 
CD & DVD (Pal - Ntsc)

Piano Sonata No. 1 in F minor, Opus 2
Piano Sonata No. 2 in A major, Opus 2
Piano Sonata No. 3 in C major, Opus 2

Franz Liszt Études d'exécution transcendante (The Transcendental Études [S.139])
Complete recording 
CD & DVD (Pal - Ntsc)
Etude No. 1 (Preludio) in C major
Etude No. 2 (untitled – Molto vivace) in  A minor
Etude No. 3 (Paysage) in  F major
Etude No. 4 (Mazeppa) in  D minor
Etude No. 5 (Feux Follets - Irrlichter) in B-flat major
Etude No. 6 (Vision) in G minor
Etude No. 7 (Eroica) in E-flat major
Etude No. 8 (Wilde Jagd) in C minor
Etude No. 9 (Ricordanza) in A-flat major
Etude No. 10 (untitled – Allegro agitato molto) in F minor
Etude No. 11 (Harmonies du Soir) in D-flat major
Etude No. 12 (Chasse-Neige) in B-flat minor 

David Ezra Okonsar:
Haazinu (Listen!)
The Song of Moses

Seven Pieces For The Solo Piano
Composed and performed by D.E. Okonsar
I. Listen, O heavens, and I will speak!
II. Remember the days of old
III.  High Places of the Earth
IV.  And the Lord saw this
V.  If They Were Wise
VI.  For I raise up My hand to heaven
VII.  And Moses came and spoke

J.S. Bach: Italian Concerto, The Chromatic Fantasie and Fugue and more by David Ezra Okonsar Performed on the piano. Audio CD

Italian Concerto  BWV 971
Capriccio on the departure of a beloved brother BWV 992
Fantasie and Fugue in D min. BWV 905
Fantasie in G min. BWV 917
Fugue in A min. BWV 947
Chromatic Fantasie and Fugue BWV 903
Fantasie and Fugue A min. BWV 904
Fantasie and Fugue A min. BWV 944

Rhapsodies Hébraïques by David Ezra Okonsar Performed by the composer CD & DVD (also published music score)

Hava Nagila הבה נגילה
Shalom Aleichem שָׁלוֹם עֲלֵיכֶם‎
Hora Mamtera
Der Rebbe Elimelech און אז דער רבי עלימעלעך
Donna Donna דאַנאַ דאַנאַ
Purim פּוּרִים
Kol Nidrei כָּל נִדְרֵי
Hanukkah (Medley) חֲנֻכָּה

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart: Complete (18) Sonatas for the piano (K.279-576) In Five CD Set:
Volume 1:
Sonata No. 1 in C major, K. 279
Sonata No. 2 in F major, K. 280
Sonata No. 3 in B-flat major, K. 281
Sonata No. 4 in E-flat major, K. 282
Sonata No. 5 in G major, K. 283
Volume 2:
Sonata No. 6 in D major, K. 284
Sonata No. 7 in C major, K. 309
Sonata No. 8 in D major, K. 311
Volume 3:
Sonata No. 9 in A minor, K. 310
Sonata No. 10 in C major, K. 330
Sonata No. 11 "Turkish Rondo" in A major, K. 331
Volume 4:
Sonata No. 12 in F major, K. 332
Sonata No. 13 in B-flat major, K. 333
Fantasie in C minor K. 475
Sonata No. 14 in C minor, K. 457
Volume 5:
Sonata No. 15 in F major, K. 533 u. 494
Sonata No. 16 in C major, K. 545
Sonata No. 17 in B-flat major, K. 570
Sonata No. 18 in D major, K. 576

Johann Sebastian Bach: The complete Partitas in two CD set
Volume 1:
Partitas 1-2-3-5 (BWV 825-827, 829)
Volume 2:
Partitas 4 and 6 (BWV 829 & 830)

Okonsar Piano Works (1986-2010) Performed by the composer
Cameleon: Three pieces for the piano (1986)
Five short pieces for the piano (1991)
Three pieces for various instruments. N.1 for piano solo
Temples of Kyoto:
Three pieces for the piano (2004-2010)
Kinkakuji: Temple of the Golden Pavilion
Tetsugaku no michi: The Philosopher's Walk
Ginkakuji: Temple of the Silver Pavilion.

Last name: Bach. The Composer Sons of Johann Sebastian Bach And Their Piano Works
Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach (1714–1788)
Six Harpsichord Sonatas (Wq.49) Württemberg Sonatas:
Sonata N.1 in A minor (Wq.49/1 - H.30)
Sonata in B minor (Wq.49/6 - H.36)
Johann Christian Bach (1735–1782)
Sonata N.6 in B-flat major (Op. 17/6 W.A 12)
Chromatic Fugue on B-A-C-H, W.YA 50
Wilhelm Friedemann Bach (1710–1784)
Fantasie in E minor (F.21)
Twelve Polonaises (F.12), selection:
No.2 in C minor
No.3 in D major
No.4 in D minor

César Franck ~ Paul Dukas
César Franck (1822-1890)
Prélude choral et fugue
Prélude, aria et final

Paul Dukas (1865-1935)
Variations, interlude et finale sur un thème de Rameau

Frederic Chopin
The complete Etudes: op.10, op.25 and "Trois Nouvelles Etudes"
CD and DVD

Johann Sebastian Bach
The complete Toccatas for keyboard.. BWV 910-916
Toccata N.1 in D min. BWV 913
Toccata N.2 in E min. BWV 914
Toccata N.3 in F-sharp min. BWV 910
Toccata N.4 in G min. BWV 915
Toccata N.5 in D maj. BWV 912
Toccata N.6 in C min. BWV 911
Toccata N.7 in G maj. BWV 916

Joseph Haydn
The last four piano sonatas
Sonata in E-flat Maj. Hob.XVI:49
Sonata in C Maj. Hob.XVI:50
Sonata in D Maj. Hob.XVI:51
Sonata in E-flat Maj. Hob.XVI:52

Robert Schumann: Schumann-Fantasie
"Fantasie" in C op.17
Ètudes Symphoniques op.13
Supplement to op.13 (five add. variations)

Franz Liszt: Liszt-Modern
Fantasie und Fuge über das Thema B-A-C-H
Variationen über das Motiv von Bach ("Weinen, Klagen, Sorgen, Zagen")
Légendes "St. François d'Assise: La prédication aux oiseaux"
"St. François de Paule: Marchant sur les flots"
Les Jeux d'Eaux à la Villa d'Este
Bagatelle ohne Tonart
Csárdás Macabre
Csárdás Obstiné

Johann Sebastian Bach
Goldberg Variations BWV 988

Johann Sebastian Bach
The Well-Tempered Keyboard, Das Wohltemperierte Clavier
BWV 846–893
(complete 2 volumes in 3 CD set)

Johann Sebastian Bach
The Art of Fugue, Die Kunst der Fuge, L'art de la fugue BWV 1080
Complete series performed on organ and harpsichord

Johann Sebastian Bach
Das Musikalische Opfer, The Musical Offering, L'Offrande Musicale BWV 1079
Unique rendering using electronic instruments
Dedicated to Mr. Isao Tomita

Mehmet Okonsar Live at Salt Lake City.
Original and unedited recordings of the Gina Bachauer International Piano Competition 1991.
A. Scriabin: Sonata N.9 "Black Mass"
G. Fauré: Nocturne N.6
J.Ph. Rameau: Trois Piéces pour le Clavecin
W. A. Mozart: Fantasy in D min.
F. Liszt: "Funérailles" and "Dante Sonata

Shadowy Arcade: Free style improvisations.

Below are not LMO-Records

1 "TANGO" Best tangos by A. Piazzolla transcribed for the piano by Mehmet Okonsar. [Rec-by Saatchi]

1 "Mehmet Okonsar Plays Gershwin" Complete piano music and original transcriptions (piano). [Rec-by Saatchi]

CDCovers/TRT-Koro.jpg TRT Gençlik Koroso 20. Yıl CD'si. Özel siparis bestem "İki Deniz Görüntüsü" a capella
TRT Youth Choir 20th. anniversary CD. Specially commissioned work "Two Seascapes" for a capella choir.

CD'yi buradan satın alabilirsiniz (TRT Market)

CDCovers/TRT-Koro.jpg TRT Oda Orkestrası Güz Konseri CD'si. Bach Konçertolar Fa min. ve Sol min. sef: Ertuğ Korkmaz
TRT Chamber Orchestra Fall Concert CD. Bach keyboard Concerti F m. and G m. cond. Ertug Korkmaz
CD'yi buradan satın alabilirsiniz (TRT Market)

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